Apr 04, 2016 • By viewnreview
The process of cutting down the body fat and revealing the lean muscle beneath is not an easy job to do. It needs a lot of patience, hard work, dedication and consistency.
The market is flooded with various weight loss supplements that work wonder on body. It is quite easy to pick the best weight loss supplement if you have proper knowledge about all the ingredients, idea about your body's requirement and check supplement reviews online. But sometimes it has been observed despite of exercising and having the right weight loss supplement, you are facing difficulties in losing weight.
In this article, I have discussed 3 common mistakes that people commit how to fix those immediately. Read this thoroughly and get the maximum output from your efforts without holding much patience.
# Mistake 1 Your Cardio is not properly planned
More is better - this is just a myth when it comes to cardio exercise. In the case of cardio, more can be wasteful sometimes. Also it can be counterproductive.
If you want to drop and burn body fat and get a lean body in fast and effective manner, there is nothing better than high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
HIIT includes high intensity and low intensity training program in a repeating pattern. For example, if you are running, it is recommended to do 15 seconds of all-out sprint followed by 15 seconds of slow recovery walk or jog. The more fit you are, the further you can push yourself during the workout session.
By doing these alternating periods of exercises target type I as well as type II muscle fibers, improving not only overall aerobic conditioning but also muscular strength and stamina too. HIIT helps in burning fat and sparing muscles because of the short workout periods. Do the cardio with full focus to make the HIIT right.
Let's have a look on HIIT plan -
For beginners
frequency should be 2-3 times a week.
Then 5 minutes of warm up session
5-9 sets of cardio for 5-12 minutes
For high intensity training program interval should be of 15-20 seconds and for low intensity training program the interval should be of 45-60 seconds.
Cool down time is 5 minutes
For intermediate
Frequency should be 2-4 times a week
Then 5 minutes of warm up session
10-12 sets of exercises for 10-18 minutes
For high intensity training program interval should be for 30 seconds and for low intensity training program the interval should be for 30-60 seconds.
Cool down time is 5 minutes
For advanced
Frequency should be 3-4 times a week
Then 5 minutes of warm up session
15-25 sets for 11-18 minutes
For high intensity training program interval should be for 30 seconds and for low intensity training program the interval should be for 15 seconds.
Cool down time is as before.
#Mistake 2 Your eating is out of proportion
Besides doing HIIT and taking weight loss supplement, you need to keep your diet in line as well to get the maximum benefit in weight loss program. Another common mistake that people usually make is eating out of proportion and not meeting body's nutritional need.
If you overconsume your calories, your other efforts will give you no benefit in return. The solution is to measure your cups and spoons while serving yourself food. After a point of time, you will start to realize what a proper protein is and consequently you will no longer require any measuring device to know what you re doing.
#Mistake 3 You're not giving importance to ratios
The third mistake is not maintaining proper ratio of food that you consume.
You should know that around 15-20% of overall calories come from fat, mostly found in nuts, fish, avocados etc. The rest comes from carbohydrate and protein. Depending on your lifestyle and training, you should maintain the ratio. If you are doing HIIT, rely on slow-digesting carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, and steel-cut oatmeal. You can opt for fast-digesting carb within the 30-minute pre-workout session. Carbs that break down faster is okay to have as pre-workout supplement because your body is chopping through huge amounts of glycogen (energy) during these workouts.